Liposuction for Men
Keep them guessing
How can an Liposuction enhance your life
You eat right, you work out and you still can’t get rid of the belly bulges and love handles. You deserve to Look.Feel.Be® your best and that’s why liposuction may be right for you!
Liposuction for men offers so many potential benefits…
- Boosts self-confidence
- Improved body shape and contours
- Increased agility and movement
- Motivation to follow a healthy lifestyle
Male liposuction procedures work much the same as those for women. It focuses on removing unwanted pockets of fat in areas such as the abdomen, flank regions, thighs, hips and arms.
Is is right for You
Are you a good candidate for Liposuction for Men
If you are in good health over the age of 18 close to your ideal weight who wants to remove excess localized fat, you are a potential candidate for male liposuction. During your initial consultation with the surgeon, it is important to discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals to have realistic expectations about your final results.
What can you expect on Liposuction for Men
If you are interested in removing excess localized fat and close to your ideal weight, you may be a candidate for male liposuction if you are healthy and over the age of 18. We recommend that you book an initial consultation with the surgeon so you can discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals to have realistic expectations about your final results.
You will be given detailed post-surgical care instructions at your consultation visit. Most patients can return to their normal activities within 3-5 days. However, it is important to avoid strenuous exercise and activities until you are cleared by your doctor. This usually takes 2-3 weeks. You may need to wear a compression garment to aid the healing process. You will notice a change in your body’s contour once the fluid retention and swelling have subsided. We will be available to help you with any questions or concerns during the healing process.
Pre and Post Liposuction Results
This is how the male client looked before liposuction.
Check out the recognizable change after a liposuction was performed
All You Need to Know About Liposuction for Men
There are several non-surgical alternatives to liposuction for men. They include: CoolSculpting (freezing fat cells), Zerona (low level laser), Kybella (injectable for double chins), Liposonix (high intensity ultrasound), UltraShape (pulsed ultrasound) and Vanquish (radio frequency). Please note that our clinics may not offer all of these treatments.
In preparing for your liposuction procedure, you may be asked to have bloodwork and a physical examination to ensure you are in good health prior to surgery. You should also be committed to enjoying a healthy lifestyle which will include diet and exercise to help you maintain your results. After surgery, you may require some assistance in performing day to day tasks while you recover. From a mental perspective, it is also important to have realistic expectation about your post-surgical results.
The Best You® has 6 clinics throughout Ontario to serve you. Our team of qualified doctors, nurses and medical aestheticians are always available to answer any of your questions and concerns. All our in-house or affiliated plastic surgeons are well-reputed and have extensive experience and expertise in liposuction – Dr. Akyurekli (Owen Sound, Brantford), Dr. Seki (Orillia), Dr. Gencarelli (Collingwood, Owen Sound), Dr. Borsuk (Ottawa). Please feel free to book a consultation with one of our specialists to learn more about liposuction for men.